The UDL Guidelines This graphic, found at, shares information to help educators design lessons and learning environments and offer learners opportunities to build skills toward gaining learner agency.
The brain networks of UDL CAST* chose to focus on the three brain models of the affective networks, the recognition networks and the strategic networks. They are listed across the top of the UDL Guidelines. These networks communicate how the brain takes in stimulus, processes information, and how we articulate our emotions and knowledge (*the creators of UDL).
Principles These three columns align with the three brain networks but are named using language that is more relatable (e.g., engagement, representation, action & expression).
Guidelines These nine areas are organized to help educators provide options for lessons and environments that move our learners toward gaining learner agency. The top row focuses on actions that provide learners with initial access to these skills. The second row, build, suggests actions that provide learners the ability to build on the access skills. The third row, internalize, suggests actions to offer learners opportunities to gain heightened levels of autonomy and self directing skills.
Considerations These phrases under the guidelines house more specific information about how we can support all learners to engage with learning, understand what is being taught, express their understanding, and function across a variety of contexts.
Learner agency The goal of UDL is to support learner agency. CAST defines this using the following terms: purposeful, reflective, resourceful, authentic, strategic, and action-oriented. The learner becomes an active agent, requiring the educator to shift from being the sole authority to one who creates space for learners to grow their agency.
The lesson goal Also known as a lesson objective in some areas, the goal of a lesson must provide clear guidance to the learners of what they will learn, include a measurement metric, be attainable, learner-focused (e.g., "I will," or "I will be able to" statements) and say when the goal should be met.
Backward Design This process asks the teacher to author the goal/objective and then envision what final products or demonstrations will show that the learners have met the lesson goal. From there, the teacher identifies what methods and materials will be needed by learners to achieve the goal. In a UDL-driven lesson, a variety of methods and materials are used to meet the anticipated variable needs and a variety of assessment options and opportunities allow learners to fully express their knowledge or skills. (
Design Thinking Everyone learn by working through the design process which begins with using empathy to understand the end- users' needs, wants, and objectives and then setting a goal. Learners use no-tech methods and materials (i.e., like string, sticky notes, markers, water bottles, etc.) to reach their goal. The process allows teachers to see what learners understand and do not understand about the process to the solution. (see
Flexible materials When the learner is able to use the material in a way that suits their learning needs. If digital materials are used, seek tools that provide learners with multiple options to achieve the goal. For example, a digital math tool that reads aloud the math equation, allows learners to move representations around the screen (i.e., digital manipulatives), and provides image representations of the word problem. Non-digital materials can be partnered with methods like investigation so learners can identify how the resource might support their learning.
Including When all learners are given the time, space, and support to engage with their peers and they experience fully equitable social and academic learning in the general education setting.
Scaffolding When concepts, skills, and content are broken apart using analogies, identified components, smaller steps or different representations.
Access This is empowered when methods and materials are selected and used to ensure every person can learn and understand the information, skill, or task. In a UDL-designed environment, multiple methods and materials are used to ensure the emotional, learning, and understanding needs of all learners are met.
Barriers These are deconstructed when the selected methods, materials or prevailing attitudes prevent even one person from learning and understanding the information, skill or task. No single method or material can meet the learning needs of every learner.
Bloom's Taxonomy This set of behaviors is associated with thinking and learning. The behaviors are ordered from simple to complex as well as concrete to abstract: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create.
Context Learning is directly affected by what is present in the environment. Context includes the relationship learners have with themselves and the educators present, the emotions learners bring to and experience while learning, the resources and materials made available to every person when learning, and how learners experience learning through their 5 senses.
Equity When the same learning experience is offered to each person, this is equality. When the learning experience is designed to meet the individual needs of all learners, this is equity. When all learners are empowered to increase their agency, this is equity.
Intentionality Designing and implementing UDL requires the educator to actively connect to and use the content within the UDL Guidelines and to implement that content via an understanding of the constructs and concepts, processes and practices, and the content included in this infographic.
The curriculum This term, as defined by CAST*, includes four components: the goal, methods, materials and assessments. The goal defines what will be learned. Methods include practices and strategies used. The materials include the resources and tools used. The assessments are the formative and summative assessments that directly align with the lesson goal. (*the creators of UDL; see
VariabilityThe concept that every person not only learns differently, but how each individual experiences the context directly impacts how each person learns.
Learner choice and voice To build self-determination, learners must have opportunities to make choices that impact their learning and then process whether those choices were advantageous or not. They must also have a leading voice in determining their academic and behavioral goals.
Subject knowledgeAn educator should have specific knowledge about the related concepts, constructs, and skills of the subject(s) to be taught.
Systemic variability Recognizing that there are patterns of variability in each learning environment. For example, there will always be learners who need time to learn initial tasks, those who pick up terms quickly, those who struggle applying the information, those who become easily frustrated, etc. Understanding that these patterns exist, the teacher automatically addresses those barriers when planning lessons and environments.
Zone of Proximal DevelopmentA construct from Lev Vygotsky which suggests providing instruction that lessens the gap between the learner's actual developmental level and the learner's potential development. The construct is typically represented by fluid movement across three regions: beyond current abilities, able to learn through the support of others, learning on one's own.