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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL in 15 Minutes with Blake Beckett

Are you still using a typewriter? During this episode, Blake shared her passion for reflective teaching and her passion for helping students become reflective learners. In the process of talking through those big ideas, she shared a story that made me remember an attitude I once had. That attitude stated, “You made your choice. Now, […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Carla-Ann Brown

The Power of Backward Planning In this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, I interview Carla-Ann Brown about her combined use of backward planning and UDL to help design inclusive and culturally sustaining environments and lessons. For this blog, I’m going to spend a little time with backward design which is what Wiggins & McTighe […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Susanne Geise

Choice is not a Reward Choice is one of the cornerstones of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Not only is it part of the guidelines (see optimize individual choice and autonomy under the Guideline of Recruiting Interest), it is embedded throughout the Guidelines. Every guideline begins with the phrase “provide options for…” That phrase spurs […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Brandy Major and Lauren Holcombe

The Right Tool in the Right Environment In this episode, Brandy and Lauren share their use of a HyperDoc doc to inspire and educate their freshmen about the research process. As Lauren stated, that’s a hard topic to teach because it’s so overwhelming and it can be dry. They were really excited about the outcomes […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Lauren Helberg

Not So Fast: When Quick Thinking Doesn’t Belong During this week’s episode, high school math teacher Lauren Helberg tells a great story of how she personally connected with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). You’ll want to hear the whole story, but the tale reminds us that speed does not equal capability or, for that matter, […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Cherie Smith

Practice Profiles: Part of the Package This week’s episode was recorded live during the UDL-IRN 2020 Summit on Demand for their Network and Learn Live Series. The video chat included an interview with me about UDL in 15 Minutes (how I got started with UDL and my intentional design of the podcast), the interview with […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Catherine Hill

Sometimes, simple is most effective We all love and crave simple solutions. They just feel good. I think that’s why the mantras around this issue flow freely. One end of the continuum asserts that complex problems require complex solutions. The other end of the continuum asserts that complex problems are best solved via simple solutions. […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Brenny Kummer

A Rubric for 1-to-1 Adoption Obviously, I am a proponent of Universal Design for Learning. I believe the framework offers the needed guidance to help us think deeply about the supports and services we are providing to all learners. Those supports and services don’t sit within the four walls of a classroom, though. Many times, […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Elish Sheridan

Using TeachMeet to Share UDL Sharing information with your colleagues during the course of a normal school year is tough, much less during this time of COVID-19. Elish Sheridan’s school, though, uses a technique that has suited them well when it comes to sharing practices informed by UDL. They use a meeting style called TeachMeet. […]

UDL in 15 Minutes – Finding What You Need

Grade/subject Guest and Topic in podcast Episode number Kindergarten Laura Taylor – The influence UDL has even after 26 years of teaching 4 Kindergarten Karlene Warns – Executive functioning 17 2nd grade Jessie Sherman – Making arts integration even more accessible 3 3rd grade Jana Nicol – Designing the learning environment 10 3rd and 4th […]