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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL in 15 Minutes with Diana-Grace Morris, Bonni Ramage, and Catherine Wong

The Driver of UDL is Variability This episode of UDL in 15 Minutes offers two straight-forward examples of how teachers used the UDL framework to lower barriers for their learners, but within those examples lie the crux of UDL: variability. In this video with David Rose (one of the founders of CAST and is seen […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Shannon Van Horn: The Follow-Up Blog Post

It’s in your DNA! The phrase, “it’s in your DNA” has become a catch-all phrase to recognize that some action, reaction, or outcome is ingrained in who you are. During this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes I use the phrase, “it’s in your school’s DNA,” because I recognize that Westbrooke Village Elementary School is […]

UDL in 15 Minutes Podcast with Beth Fornauf

When we listen with the intent to learn: Shifting learner outcomes We use the word “listen” a lot in our classrooms. We ask our learners to “listen up” or to be “good listeners.” “Listen” is often part of social contracts or expectations that are posted in the classroom. When educators get angry at a learner […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Tracy Pendred and Kimberly Spears

Deep conversations about UDL: The model of mentoring If you’ve ever had a positive mentor in your personal or professional life, you know how valuable they can be. These are individuals who help you to problem-solve, view situations through a different lens, see both outside and within yourself, learn from your mistakes and celebrate your […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Kate Stanley – Episode 25

When our learners gain agency, they gain something for life In the universal design for learning (UDL) community, we refer to learners rather than students because (a) learning takes place both within and outside of the classroom, (b) learning can be guided, independent, and everywhere in between, and (c) learning takes place outside the traditional […]

UDL in 15 Minutes Blog Posts

While Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is all about choices, we never want to overwhelm our learners with choice. After publishing 23 associated blogs for UDL in 15 Minutes, there’s a lot of choice. To help you decide which blog(s) will be most meaningful for you (of course, I’m hoping you will think they are […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Carrie Preston – Episode 23

Choice and Control: When One Leads to the Loss of the Other When Carrie and others who design and teach using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) talk about choice, they are referring to the variety of options presented to learners throughout the lesson and the choices that are built into the environment. When they talk […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Karen Keener and Jordan Landis: The follow-up

Co-teaching and UDL: The bricks and the mortar Co-teaching. Two adults sharing a space. Two people trained in different disciplines bringing together different content. Two people who each come at relationships and interactions in their own unique way now creating a single space together. Two personalities. Two bodies bringing their own mood to the classroom […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Rebecca Chappell: The Follow-Up

When UDL and Fidelity Play Well Together When you think of standardized assessments, do you think of student empowerment? I didn’t either until this conversation with Rebecca Chappell. As she shares in this podcast, she figured out how to maintain the fidelity of an assessment while providing student choice within the assessment (you’ll have to […]

UDL in 15 Minutes – July Review List

It’s summer time in North America. Whether you’re carting your children around to countless activities, working a summer job, or taking a brief vacation to sit on a chaise lounge and watch the ocean, hike a trail, fly on a plane, or visit a new place somewhere on our big beautiful ball called Earth, I […]