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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Dan Schmidt: The Follow-Up

Classroom observations can be a powerful method to improve everything from environment design to implementing strategies. During the podcast, Dan described the influence one teacher had on him. And there was this one particularly talented teacher who would come into my math class. And she would implement or use all these strategies and I would […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Monica Watson-Bedard: The Follow-Up

In this episode, Monica shares how she and a team conducted action research to discover whether choice would lead to greater engagement in assessments and learning at the middle school level. While sharing that story, she pointed out that their school counselor is a “Gardner guru,” referencing Howard Gardner’s work on multiple intelligences. Later, she […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Jana Nicol: The Follow-Up

During my podcast with Jana Nicol, she provided some wonderful examples of how she got started with the UDL framework. These included the organization of her classroom supplies, her use of the classroom schedule, and her adoption of flexible seating. Each were quality environment strategies. The difference, though, is how she used the framework to […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Ben Kelly: The follow-up

This blog is in response to my podcast with Ben Kelly. Empowering through investigation During this episode’s interview with Ben Kelly, he is jazzed about Minecraft as a tool that aligns with the Universal Design for Learning framework. I’m jazzed about his participation in action research. This research method is extremely powerful because it gives […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Dakota Hudelson: The follow-up

…the more I’ve learned about UDL, it really truly is a mindset. I think of it sort of as, like, almost like an ideology really, in approach to education. It’s a totally different world view, a totally different way of looking at students, of looking at a lesson, it’s a different way of thinking about […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Liz Hartmann: The Follow-Up

Isn’t it funny how we interpret rigor throughout education? As Liz Hartmann points out during our podcast conversation, many educators fall into the trap of more, more, more. They pile on the reading assignments, projects, and things to do. Liz shares how they decided to add rigor by closely investigating the way they had students […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Rachel Barillari: The Follow-Up

During each of my podcast interviews, I ask the guest to describe the students in his or her learning environment. Rachel’s school, Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle School, serves students who have disabilities as well as students who are ethnically, socioeconomically, and linguistically diverse. As she began to describe why she loved teaching these students and teaching […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Laura Taylor: The Follow-Up

“I sat there and I kind of crossed my arms and I said, “I already do this! I already do UDL!” And then I kept thinking, “Ah, these are just good teaching strategies. Everybody teaches this way!” Oh, and then I thought, “Oh, it has to do with elementary teachers just do this then. Maybe […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Jessie Sherman: The follow-up

This blog is in response to my podcast with Jessie Sherman Some schools choose specific teaching methods like project-based learning or defined practices of teaching like arts integration as a way to teach their learner population. Both are excellent mechanisms to support exploration and learning. What Jessie and her colleagues discovered though, was that while […]

UDL in 15 Minutes podcast with Shelbi Fortner: The follow-up

This blog is in response to my podcast with Shelbi Fortner. Growth mindset is a concept that has received a lot of attention and for good reason. If you aren’t familiar with it, if you aren’t sure of what it is, or if it feels too shallow to you, read this clarifying piece from The […]