Classroom observations can be a powerful method to improve everything from environment design to implementing strategies. During the podcast, Dan described the influence one teacher had on him.
And there was this one particularly talented teacher who would come into my math class. And she would implement or use all these strategies and I would stand back and watch her and I think, wow, if this is working for students who are struggling, why not try it with the students who may not be struggling, but you never really know because they’re not going to freely admit it so why not let everybody have access to the strategies? And so, at that point, really the “Why not?” became my, my mantra for new ideas. I try to use it as sort of a growth mindset. Even student suggestions, you know, why not try it? And so, that’s really where that, “Why not” sort of developed.
Dan was observing someone who came into his classroom, though many times, observations involve going into someone else’s space. However they happen, observations can be incredibly helpful!
Robert Kaplinsky offers an easy comparison between the Pineapple Chart method created by Jennifer Gonzalez and Mark Barnes for their book, Hacking Education, and his method called #ObserveMe. While these two initiatives help educators learn from one another, I want to add to the conversation by offering an observation guide that is specific to UDL implementation.
The guide, Here’s What I See: The UDL Implementation Observation Guide is different than other guides in four ways.
- It asks the observer to focus on a single aspect of the lesson or the environment. An aspect can be a strategy, a material (e.g., use of a specific technology, use of manipulatives, how learners interact with the organizational system of classroom materials), or a method. This helps the observer dig into that one aspect and investigate how it is designed into the lesson and/or space and how learners react to it.
- It divides the lesson up into three sections: the initiation, the body, and the conclusion. This way, it is not limited to certain lesson structures (e.g., I do, we do, you do).
- The reflection prompts ask the observer to consider the three principles of UDL (e.g., evidence of/nuances of design using engagement). This allows the observer to fully consider how the aspect is used throughout the three phases of the lesson in relation to the three principles.
- The guide concludes with de-brief prompts and suggestions of how observers can be grouped for effective conversations. The de-brief prompts are written to guide observers to reflect on issues directly related to the UDL framework.
While I’m excited about this observation guide, I hope users will send me feedback so we can co-construct an even better tool to continue moving ourselves toward becoming expert learners!