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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL in 15 Minutes with Heather Avery and Anthony Carey

Lowering Barriers and the Dignity of Risk: Using Universal Design for Learning to Achieve Both In episode 121, Heather Avery and Anthony Carey frame their conversation with one question: “Am I leaving anyone out?” It is a powerful question for any learning context, but Anthony is asking it while teaching a fully inclusive technology course. […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Tracy Dabbs

How UDL Transformed My Professional Learning Design During episode 117, Tracy Dabbs starts with her Universal Design for Learning (UDL) back story and it is one that is familiar to many who apply UDL – Tracy wanted a checklist. She read about UDL, she talked about UDL, but she wanted a checklist to help her […]

UDL 101: It’s not all about choice

A popular way to talk about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is to emphasize choice. Choice is fabulous. Choice is essential. Every guideline begins with “Provide options for,” which encourages us to add in choice. But when the conversation (or workshop instruction) ends there, no one benefits. UDL exists to help instructional designers plan lessons […]

UDL 101: How do I lower barriers?

Two important points before we get into the how: Instruction happens everywhere. It is not limited to the K-12 environment. Every single learner experiences barriers. Barriers are something we all experience. They are not within us, they are within the environment. To lower a barrier, you must know the goal of your instruction. What specific […]

UDL 101: The barrier is in the environment, not the learner

Let’s make that statement a bit more clear: The barrier is in the design and implementation of the environment, not the learner. Wait, what? The environment: It is made up of resources, physical structures, delivery methods, relationships, and beliefs and attitudes. The learner: Everything about that person that makes them an individual. The learner and […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Liz Hartmann

Building Authentic Learning Communities: Taking One Step In her return to the UDL in 15 Minutes podcast, Liz Hartmann shares how her understanding and implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has evolved over time. Liz is a professor who teaches both pre-service and graduate students about UDL and reflects on how the shift to […]

UDL in 15 Minutes Podcast with Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez, Part 1

Building UDL Fluency Do you speak two or more languages? For example, you grew up speaking one language and then learned another as a subject in school or maybe you grew up in a bilingual or multilingual household (if so, I am totally jealous of you). Regardless of how you learned the languages, you communicate […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Kyanne Obrock and Carrie McSwain

Using UDL to Find Flexibility within Specificity Toward the end of my conversation with Kyanne Obrock and Carrie McSwain, they talked about the conundrum of required summative and formative assessments. We all know that most of the time, those required assessments aren’t designed with flexibility in mind. Often, they are in a fixed format and […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Kade Friedman

“It Takes 2 Minutes” Supporting our students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) is a key part of my conversation with Kade Friedman during this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes. As they point out, “You know, it takes two minutes at the beginning of class where we do an SEL check in.” So why is it so […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Shannon Costley and Megan Babb

Building in social-emotional standards using a UDL lens “By the end of the year, we had students who may have started the year like little squirrels, you know, their stuff was all over the place, but by the end of the year, their binder had their table of contents, they were able to keep track […]