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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL in 15 Minutes with Brenny Kummer

A Rubric for 1-to-1 Adoption Obviously, I am a proponent of Universal Design for Learning. I believe the framework offers the needed guidance to help us think deeply about the supports and services we are providing to all learners. Those supports and services don’t sit within the four walls of a classroom, though. Many times, […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Elish Sheridan

Using TeachMeet to Share UDL Sharing information with your colleagues during the course of a normal school year is tough, much less during this time of COVID-19. Elish Sheridan’s school, though, uses a technique that has suited them well when it comes to sharing practices informed by UDL. They use a meeting style called TeachMeet. […]

UDL in 15 Minutes – Finding What You Need

Grade/subject Guest and Topic in podcast Episode number Kindergarten Laura Taylor – The influence UDL has even after 26 years of teaching 4 Kindergarten Karlene Warns – Executive functioning 17 2nd grade Jessie Sherman – Making arts integration even more accessible 3 3rd grade Jana Nicol – Designing the learning environment 10 3rd and 4th […]

UDL in 15 Minutes Podcast with Megan Gross and Lisa Yamasaki

Blog and Resources to Support Students with Disabilities and their Families The call for suggested resources and tools went out about three weeks ago. Then, the website, Distance Learning for Special Education, emerged. Megan, Lisa, and their colleague and friend, Jenny Kurth, launched a site that many have benefited from. What I love about this […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Dan Marsh

The Reciprocal Classroom During COVID-19 During this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, Dan Marsh not only shares what he’s learned from moving his brick and mortar class online in comparison to the online courses he designs for a purely online school, he shares important feedback he provided to a learner, “Thanks for asking the […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Robin Dazzeo

Using What We Know Robin, just like millions of other educators, is moving her way through this new teaching experience. As a high school English teacher, though, she’s very used to taking attendance, grading papers, and giving assessments. During this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, Robin shares how this has shifted. But something else […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Sara Soria

Video Sharing, Principal Leadership, and UDL During this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, Principal Sara Soria shares how influential art has been in her life and how it has become a two-pronged tool for her work. First, she models using art to connect with others (be sure to click on the Crystal Blue Persuasion […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Ian Wilkins

Thinking about Gifted Learners through the UDL Framework In the first bit of time what I started to learn about UDL was that it fosters an active approach to learning where I think so much of traditional ways of education, including grading and assessment are passive, where students can tend to get in the habit […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Christina Khatri: The Follow-Up

Do you hear voices? Different teachers come to UDL via different paths, but every teacher wants students to be more engaged in learning. The principle of engagement shows us the various ways we can raise engagement, but it depends on the structures around us. For example, Christina was able to add in flexibility to her […]

UDL in 15 Minutes with Laura Christie

Listening with the intent to change So, I started with surveying the students about what they felt they would want. Do they learn best if they have a video? Do they learn best if they have audio support? Do they want audio support on vocabulary words that are unknown? And do they prefer reading on […]