While most of Loui’s work is through private contracts, this page lists institutes/summits that are open to the public as well as announcements about Loui’s creative work.
Loui on the UDL-IRN Implementation SIGs Network and Learn Webinar
Loui was an invited guest for the UDL-IRN Implementation SIGs Network and Learn Webinar. She shared a presentation titled: “Getting inside the goal of UDL” where she presented The UDL Gears, a visual explanation of how our practices, skills, and mindsets interrelate and affect our application of the UDL Guidelines.
The webinar also includes a digital handout.
Loui on the Accessible Learning Podcast
Loui was a guest on the Accessible Learning podcast distributed by CAST. Host Luis Perez asked her to share her story about accessibility, why it is so important to her, how she sees UDL and accessibility aligning, and how she makes her UDL in 15 Minutes podcast accessible.
The 2nd Edition of Design and Deliver is now available!
The second edition of the best-selling book, Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning is now available! This fully updated text has up-to-date research, spots throughout each chapter where the reader is prompted to “Ponder this” and to read about a “Technology byte” that offers content or suggestions. There are activities at the end of each chapter as well as end-of-chapter questions. The book is even more conversational than before and captures Loui’s passion for all learners. Be sure to check it out!

Loui Interviewed on UDL-IRN’s Network & Learn LIVE
On June 4, 2020, Loui was a guest on the UDL-IRN’s Network & Learn LIVE held in conjunction with the UDL-IRN’s 2020 Summit On Demand. She was interviewed about her journey with UDL, how she came up with UDL in 15 Minutes, and how she uses the framework to ensure her work is in line with UDL. Loui interviewed Cherie Smith during the UDL in 15 Minutes segment of the hour and then they both responded to questions from the audience. You can find recordings of this session at:
New UDL Game! Go Fishing with UDL!
Announcing the first ever published card game about Universal Design for Learning (UDL)! Go Fishing with UDL is a game for 2-5 players where you learn about the guidelines and checkpoints as well as the overarching concepts of UDL like variability, accessibility, flexibility, goals, choice, and rigor and then apply them to a chosen lesson or learning environment! Learn more.
5 Essential Things Teachers Need to Know About UDL!
Loui was on The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast with Vicki Davis! Listen here:
5 Essential Things Teachers Need to Know about UDL
Loui’s NEW Book is Here!
“While conducting training on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for an international audience of educators, Loui Lord Nelson began employing the simple image of a tree using its roots and branches to express the entire UDL ecosystem.
The metaphor of the tree helped “minimize the language barrier” in a global setting, writes Nelson, author of the bestseller Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning. But the tree metaphor also provided a means to explain more effectively how to apply the UDL framework to any learning environment. The result – A Tree for All: Your Coloring Book of UDL Principles and Practice – is a fun, engaging, and thought-provoking review of UDL theory and practice. Whether it is colorful…well, that’s up to you.”
Learn More and Purchase Here.

UDL in 15 Minutes, The Podcast
You want to learn more about UDL, but you don’t have time to sit down and read more stuff. PD is helpful, but you want more stories. You like podcasts, but who has an hour? How about 15 minutes? For “UDL in 15 Minutes,” Loui interviews educators from around the world, asking them to tell their UDL story in under 15 minutes. She adds her insights throughout and makes specific connections to the UDL framework. This podcast has proven to be informative and engaging!
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