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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Implementation
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UDL In 15 Minutes Table of Episodes

Grade/subject Guest and Topic in podcast Episode number
The UDL Gears Loui shares how UDL is more than the Guidelines. It includes skills, mindsets, and practices. Special episode
Kindergarten Laura Taylor – The influence UDL has even after 26 years of teaching 4
Kindergarten Karlene Warns – Executive functioning 17
Kindergarten Melanie Smith – Meeting social-emotional needs via academic content 82
Primary Chynel McCrink and Colin Syron – Teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland unite because of UDL 120
K-6 Selena Andrade Gonzalez – Helping gen ed teachers learn about UDL and establishing behavioral norms during distance learning 52
K-6 Kelly Zombo – Being a UDL Coach. Part of the Fraser Public Schools series. 78
K-6 Zacham Kabantiok – How UDL is helping teachers lower the trauma of out-of-school children in Northeastern Nigeria 127
2nd grade Jessie Sherman – Making arts integration even more accessible 3
2nd grade Gina Marchionda-Schneider – A vocabulary lesson that wove in social-emotional support and was delivered via distance learning. 71
3rd grade Jana Nicol – Designing the learning environment 10
3rd grade Brandon Bean – “I’m a brain master!”: When students are fully empowered 100
3rd grade, youth theatre educator Donzell Lewis – His experiences with equity, access, and an acting method created his connection with UDL. 75
3rd and 4th grade Kate Stanley – Supporting agency in learning 25
4th grade Camille Wheeler – Making assessments more flexible 16
4th – 5th grade Adria Gold – Chunking information in English Language Arts 14
4th – 5th grade Amanda Tong and Clair Sheppard – How Clair’s teaching was transformed through UDL and how Amanda, the UDL coach, supported that transformation. 67
5th grade Dan Schmidt – Making sure he knows his “why” when teaching math 12
5th grade Tracy Pendred and Kimberly Spears – Mentorship, friendship, & UDL 26
5th grade Shannon Van Horn – When you know about UDL and others don’t 28
5th grade Laura Christie – Improving reading and writing through UDL 33
6th grade Carla-Ann Brown – Using backwards planning and UDL to design units that are inclusive as well as culturally sustaining 54
6th grade ELA Blake Beckett – Teaching her students about reflection by teaching them about UDL 55
6th – 8th grade Heather Avery and Anthony Carey – How asking “Am I leaving anyone out?” shifted how all learners are included 121
6-12 STEM Ben Kelly – STEM, Minecraft, and UDL 9
1st – 6th grade Diana-Grace Morris, Bonni Ramage, and Catherine Wong 29
Pre-K – 6th year Lizzie Davis – Using UDL to identify barriers to distance learning before they went into emergency distance learning 42
Elementary Kyanne Obrock and Carrie McSwain – After 14 years of co-teaching together, UDL changed how they designed and delivered their instruction 110
Elementary Principals Kaity Day and Brett Boezeman – Including students with significant disabilities 87
Teacher on Assignment and Elem Special Educator Megan Gross and Lisa Yamasaki – Using UDL to help others and themselves design lessons and online environments for students with disabilities 40
Middle School Kim Potter and Shana Montgomery – Coaching to find space within a restrictive curriculum 73
Middle School Principal Evan Burton – Using his leadership to help all staff include students with significant disabilities 86
Middle School Principal Gayle Hines – Capturing interest and creating excitement for her staff during UDL PD 109
7th grade Dakota Hudelson – UDL and social justice 8
7th grade Monica Watson-Bedard – Choice in assessments 11
7th grade Rebecca Chappell – Using UDL to make a learning app fully accessible to all learners 19
7th grade Kim Potter – Finding room for UDL even when the curriculum is practically scripted 72
7th grade & STEAM Christina Khatri – Using UDL when you have a brand-new curriculum 34
7th and 8th grade Rebecca Chappell – Choice and fidelity? Small shifts lead to big outcomes for these 7th graders 21
8th grade Karen Keener and Jordan Landis – Co-teaching and mindset 22
8th grade Rachel Barillari – Engagement in poetry 5
8th grade Shannon Costley and Megan Babb – UDL, shared unit planning and power standards lead to students’ increased executive functioning skills 105
9th grade and Library Science Brandy Major and Lauren Holcombe – Using HyperDocs to teach research 50
9th and 10th grade Ian Wilkins – How UDL impacted how he assesses writing and how he thinks about grading overall 35
10th and 11th grade Kelley Culp – How she uses UDL to design her online environments 37
12th grade Carrie Preston – End of the year and fully engaged 23
12th grade Amanda Hughes – Supporting the executive functions of her high school students 32
12th grade Lauren Helberg – How UDL impacted the flexibility of her end-of-the-year lesson 48
Secondary School Elish Sheridan – Using TeachMeet style meetings to share successful UDL-driven strategies during emergency distance learning 43
Secondary School Catherine Hill – Recognizing the power of UDL in both face-to-face and emergency distance learning settings 45
High School Dan Marsh – Using UDL and his background in designing online learning environments for today 39
High School Robin Dazzeo – Using her experiences of learning online and UDL to influence how she teaches online 38
High school Kim Babeu – Choice within Human Physiology assessment 1
High school Kim Babeu – UDL, classroom management, and SPORT 13
High school Susanne Geise – Using UDL and the popular TV show Shark Tank to teach ethos, pathos, and logos 51
High school Lizzie Fortin – Sharing her passion for embedding radical love through UDL coaching 59
High school Andretesha Fitzgerald – Authentic letter writing leads to a lifetime of empowerment 60
High school Timmary Leary – AP Art History is held in community-based museum and includes any student that wants to take it 65
High school Kelly Cray – Using “brain stories” she helps her students learn about themselves, gain empathy for others, and create inclusive and accountable rubrics 111
High school Kelly Ackerman and Lisa Renz – 24 years of collaboration. 64 collective years as high school teachers. Year 1 of UDL. Kelly and Lisa talk about choice and co-created rubrics 112
High school Tracy Dabbs – How UDL transformed her professional learning design 117
High School AP Juan Gallardo – AP Spanish teacher moves from UDL reluctance to UDL love 74
High School AP Biology Shelbi Fortner – Choice within AP Biology assessments 2
High School Art and Design Callie Mulcahy – Students now design with intentionality, thanks to UDL 64
High School Principal Sara Soria – Seeing UDL as a pathway for the artistic expression of students and faculty 36
Higher Education Liz Hartmann – Using UDL to get high achievers to take risks 6
Higher Education Justin Freedman – Designing the higher education learning environment 18
Higher Education Beth Fornauf – How UDL changed a teacher training program focused on rural educators 27
Higher Education Stephanie Craig – Shares her growth with UDL as a teacher, coach, learner, and teacher again 56
Higher Education Kavita Rao – From research to lessons: Using the UDL Reporting Criteria to take a close look 61
Higher Education Emily Art – Instructors are teaching about UDL, but are also using it to design their courses. Emily shares the challenges and joys. 63
Higher Education Kade Friedman – Creating safe, inclusive, power-sharing learning spaces in higher education 106
Higher Education Liz Hartmann – “While UDL is very aspirational, we still commit to it and do what we can” 116
Higher Education Martha Dobboh – How UDL is changing teacher prep and teacher training in Liberia 125
Higher Education Lillian Nave – Using UDL to design campus policies and procedures 126
Higher Education & K-12 Carolee Clyne – Open Education Resources 58
K-12 Sue Hardin – Fraser Public Schools UDL journey and the UDL School Implementation Certification Criteria 80
K-12 Tara Courchaine shares supports for classroom teachers from CAST 81
K-12 Liliana Vidal – Teaching English as a second language to students with disabilities in Argentina 124
K-12 Think Inclusive: Using AI to Support Learners with Disabilities in the Classroom Feed Drop
K-12 Ed-Tech, Coach Arie Werder – This ed-tech leader bravely shares her own K-12; college journey 118
K-12 Ed-Tech, Coach Arie Werder – This ed-tech leader bravely shares her own K-12; college journey 119
K-12 Inclusion Leader Betty Lou Rowe – Including students with significant disabilities in the general education setting. 85
K-12 Program Implementation Specialist Elaina Fennell – How a plant helped her apply UDL and shift her approach to professional development 122
K-12 UDL Coach Shannon Schultz – A deep dive into the Fond du Lac UDL Readiness Rubric 70
K-12; 21st Century Educator Jarod McGuffey – Using the UDL mindset to affect the design of education advocacy 76
Adaptive PE Doug Smith – Using UDL to design adaptive PE environments 107
AESD Inclusionary Series Cassie Stevens and Lori Scott – Details and outstanding results from their statewide inclusion project in Washington. 88
AESD Inclusionary Series Jenny Parker – Simple actions teachers can take to step into UDL. 89
AESD Inclusionary Series Gahlya Auel and Liza Sejkora – Accelerating UDL-aligned inclusive practices through focused leadership support 90
AESD Inclusionary Series Ann Renker and Victoria Kalscheuer – Supporting staff’s journey with UDL through authentic learning 91
AESD Inclusionary Series Lindsay Hicks – When professional learning supports everyone, from teachers to bus drivers 92
AESD Inclusionary Series Kathleen Lenihan and Courtney Sund – How a 1% change in practice leads to big gains 93
AESD Inclusionary Series Kelley Correio and Laurie Sarver – Their honest story about growing UDL implementation in the Kennewick School District 94
AESD Inclusionary Series Janelle Bersch, Emily Wilgus, and Heidi Schroeder – How UDL is improving SEL in Early Childhood 95
AESD Inclusionary Series Part 2 with Janelle Bersch, Emily Wilgus, and Heidi Schroeder – EC student stories 96
AESD Inclusionary Series Cassie Stevens and Sara Lucero – How this principal is using UDL to shift learners from self-contained to general education settings 97
AESD Inclusionary Series Cassie Stevens and Sara Lucero – A principal and consultant share powerful student perspectives and stories about inclusion in the general education setting 98
AESD Inclusionary Series Mary Waldron and Michaela Clancy – Truly weaving in UDL: One district’s story 99
AI Beth Stark and Jérémie Rostan – LUDIA, an AI UDL thought partner 108
Business Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez – How UDL is at the root of their business and their resources 113
Business Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez – Regulating the nervous system states is the driver, but UDL is the root of their products 114
District resources teacher Melissa Toland – Using her experiences as a 7th grade teacher implementing UDL to help others learn about it 15
Digital Literacy Teacher Melanie Acevedo – Using UDL to develop digital literacy lessons 31
District level Technology Support Brenny Kummer – How the district technology department supports UDL implementation during emergency distance learning 44
Director of Pupil Services Katie Moder – UDL Implementation from the District level perspective. Part of the Fond du Lac School District Series. 69
Director of Special Education George Van Horn – The history of UDL at BCSC. Episode 1 of a series. 83
First Nations Education Coach Jana Nicol – How UDL has influenced her many roles in education 115
Head of Technology Patrick McGrath – The organic growth of UDL in educational settings 123
Kansas Infinitec Cindy Malone – PLCs plus coaching impact statewide UDL professional learning 101
Kansas Infinitec Nicole Glynn and Nicole Peters – Using UDL and state professional development standards to design UDL book studies 102
Kansas Infinitec Stephanie Jensen and Jeremy Miller – The specific system supports they use to provide ongoing support and help staff embrace UDL 103
Kansas Infinitec Kyle Carlin and Andrea Wichers – Using UDL thinking to give digital tool access to all learners 104
Principal Keith Tonn – The structures his school uses to support UDL Implementation. Part of the Fraser Public Schools series. 79
State Support Team – UDL Collaborative Cherie Smith – How one school is using practice profiles to embed UDL within their teaming practices 47
Superintendent Superintendent Rene Sanchez – How he introduced UDL as a principal in Houston, TX 68
Superintendent Carrie Wozniak – What guides Fraser Public Schools in their UDL implementation. Part of the Fraser Public Schools series. 77
Teacher Support Alaa Zaza – How teachers in Syria are supporting learners psychosocial needs during the war 62
Teacher Training Yacine and Ashraf – STEM, volunteer mentors, and UDL in Algeria 66
UDL Coordinators Rhonda Laswell and Tina Greene – Their role and UDL’s expansion in BCSC. Episode 2 in series. 84
Everyone A discussion guide for UDL in 15 Minute episodes 46

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